Best Brass
Best Brass: PotStop (Gestopft) mute - French Horn
PotStop (Gestopft) mute - French Horn
‘PotStop’ is a stop mute whose feature is truly one-of-a-kind. This
mute allows you to play stopping with a regular fingering on a score
and also can be used for F, Bb, F/Bb double horn, and now even for
Vienna horns!
When we first developed the ‘Non-transposing’ stop mute back in
2003, the concept itself was actually for students. However, in reality,
it was surprisingly accepted mostly by professionals and currently used
in many major orchestras such as Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Some features of the new model are based on and developed by taking
in dialogues with the players who actually uses the past ‘Non
transposing’ mutes for years. The quality is further advanced and
exceeds the past models at any points, and here, PotStop is newly-born
as a truly professional stop mute.