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Tatu Mutes

Tatu - Bass Trombone Straight Mute

$ 3,235.00
Due to the success and popularity of the TÁTU mute for trumpet, many colleagues have inquired about trombone mutes… we can now introduce the TÁTU bass trombone straight mute. They are high-resolution, 3D printed mutes with carbon fiber reinforced plastic. The unique, geometrical design provides a sound that carries with ease and provides accurate intonation throughout all registers. TÁTU mutes provide easy playability in all registers, wide dynamic range, and offer very quick and clear articulation. The surface is a single unit, without attached parts. The mute is very light and does not affect the playing angle. Piano entrances are effortless, and aggressive fortissimos are easily achievable. All the notes throughout the range slot very well,"…like there’s nothing in the bell". TÁTU mutes can be used in any professional setting: orchestra, solo playing, wind bands and jazz ensembles. Thanks to their high quality, light-weight material and fine-tuned production process, any musician can maintain correct intonation, demonstrate clear articulation and use a mute that maintains an unrestricted, free blowing feel.